Account Creation
Who is Eligible for an HPC Account?
All UArizona Faculty, Staff, Students, and Affiliates are eligible for HPC accounts.
Faculty members will receive a PI Account which is different from the Sponsored Accounts that staff, students, and affiliates receive. PI Accounts are self-sponsored, manage their own HPC group(s), and receive their own time and storage allocations to be shared among group members. Faculty members may add other users to their groups to grant them HPC access. Users may be a member of more than one HPC group.
PI eligibility comes from the University employee system (EDS). These are the categories eligible to be PI:
A = Classified Staff Wage
P = POI or Contingent Worker
W = Exec/Eve MBA Regular App/Fac
4 = Regular App/Fac Fiscal
5 = Clinical Faculty
E = Regular App/Fac Acad
F = Regular App/Fac Temp Funding
G = Ancillary App/Fac Academic
H = Ancillary App/FacTemp Funding
Email List Registration
All HPC account owners and sponsors are required to be members of the HPC-Announce email list and will automatically be added as members during the account creation process. This email list is used to send HPC system-related updates and notifications.
HPC Policies
All HPC accounts are for academic purposes only. Commercial activities are prohibited.
Password sharing and all other forms of account sharing are prohibited.
Account holders found to be circumventing the system policies and procedures will have their accounts locked or removed.
See our Policies Section for additional information.
Which Registration Process is Right for Me?
The process of getting registered for an HPC account varies depending on your affiliation with the University. Take a look at the list below to determine how you should register:
If you are a Research Faculty Member or Principal Investigator (PI), register for a PI Account.
If you are an Undergraduate Student, Graduate Student, Postdoc, Technician, or other Research Support Staff, register for a Sponsored HPC Account.
If you are a University Affiliate, Associate, Volunteer, or Intern without an official record in the UAccess Employee or Student systems but provide work for the university, you will first need to register as a Designated Campus Colleague (DCC). Following successful registration, you will be granted a NetID+ that you may then use to sign up for a Sponsored HPC Account. This can be a useful service for Postdocs who are moving to another institution or a collaborator, for example.
All accounts are associated with at least one group, owned by the PI and having the same name as the PI's net ID. When a new PI creates their account, a new group is automatically created. At this point, the PI can then add members through portal. See Research and Class Groups for more information.