


UArizona HPC systems are funded through the UArizona Research Office (RII http://research.arizona.edu/) and CIO/UITS (Chief Information Officer, and University Information Technology Services)

UArizona HPC systems are available to all university faculty, staff, undergraduate and graduate students, postdocs, and designated campus colleagues (DCCs) at no cost. Presently each research group is provided with a standard monthly allocation of 150,000 CPU-hours on Puma, 100,000 CPU-hours on Ocelote, and 7,000 CPU-hours on ElGato.

The HPC systems are a shared Linux environment with many of the applications, compilers, and programs needed to support your research. Staff is funded to administer the systems and provide consulting services (no charge) for all researchers.

These resources specifically do not support Regulated Research, which might be ITAR, HIPAA or CUI (Controlled Unclassified Information). For more information on services that can support regulated research, see: HIPAA support services and CUI support services.

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