Northwest Region Employee Resource Page
If you have something to add, please email
Advisory Councils
For information about advisory councils and open meeting laws, visit the Confluence page Cooperative Extension External Advisory Councils Information.
Programmatic people will request leaders of governing boards within Cooperative Extension to sign and return the following form: External Advisory Councils, and Equivalent, Guidance Form (PDF)
Once the program has all completed forms, they will scan and submit to and file in their volunteer file(s). The email needs to indicate the board and individual’s name.
If a new leading member is voted in, a programmatic person will request for this form to be signed and returned.
Affirmative Action Plan (AAP)
Policy - Non-Discrimination and Affirmative Action Statements (link is external)
AAP Forms (link is external)
UArizona Policy and Statements (link is external)
Certificate of Insurance (link is external)
Computer Downloads & Troubleshooting (link is internal)
Conflict of Commitment/Interest
Policy - Conflict of Commitment Policy (link is external)
Letter from Vice President Shane Burgess and Jeffrey Ratje (PDF)
Conflict of Commitment Information & Form Edge Learning
D2L Community Site
D2L Community Support Team: or 520-626-6804
Instructor/Course Facilitator
Guide to creating and maintaining a D2L Community classroom
CSV Template to submit participants to D2L Support Team
Website to submit participant information:
Instructions to log into D2L Community Site - Download the word document and edit the blanks for your program's needs.
Website to log into the D2L Community Site:
Designated Campus Colleagues (DCCs)
Procedure - DCC Initiation Steps for Program Leader
DCC Request Form (xlsx)
DCC Worksheet (docx)
Fingerprint Clearance Card
Guidelines (link is external)
Disability Accommodation Requests
Procedure - NW Region Disability Accommodation Procedure (docx)
Instructor Best Practices (link is external)
Planning Accessible and Inclusive Events Guide (link is external)
Discrimination/Harassment Allegation Procedures
Procedure - How to Respond to Allegations of Discrimination/Harassment (link is external)
Proposed Referral Language Letter
Brochures to attach to email
Title IX (PDF)
OIE Incident Process Flowchart (link is external)
Protection of Employees from Reprisal for Whistleblowing (PDF)
Event Planning Flowchart (PDF size 8 1/2 x14)
In-Person Events
Online Events
Yavapai Press Release Instructions (PDF) and Form (fillable PDF)
Multimedia Release Signage and Forms
Notice of Photographic and Media Recording Sign (PDF) Post the sign in the room/location where the event is being held and in plain view. It notifies people that by entering the area, they may be subject to the UArizona’s photo policies and gives automatic release.
Sheet and Media Release Form (fillable PDF)
For assistance with Eventbrite, YouTube, or Zoom, view the Media Resources Roadmap document under the "Marketing/Media Resources" section on this page.
Expense Reimbursement
Procedure - Employee Expense Reimbursement (PDF)
Expense Reimbursement Request Form (FSO fillable PDF)
Procedure - Volunteer Expense Reimbursement (PDF)
Volunteer Expense Reimbursement Form (fillable PDF)
DCC Mileage Reimbursement Form (fillable PDF)
New Employee Resource Page (link is internal)
Coconino (docx)
Mohave (docx)
Mohave-Peach Springs (docx)
Yavapai (docx)
Loaner/Rental Vehicles
Northwest Region
University of Arizona Fleet Safety & Policy (link is external)
Employees may rent a car from Enterprise through the State of Arizona Vehicle Rental Program (link is external)
State Vehicle Use Policy (PDF)
Marketing/Media Resources
Condensed Legal Statement on Marketing Materials (link is internal)
Media Resource Roadmap (docx)
Cooperative Extension logos for each county are available in BOX.
The University of Arizona logo variations are available on the UArizona branding website. (link is external) You will need to sign in with your NetID+.
Royalty Free Images (docx) are best to use when publishing flyers, on social media, or sending out press releases.
When posting on social media on behalf of the University of Arizona, it is important to maintain professionalism and preserve the branding. Below are some links to assist with social media marketing.
Social Media Guidelines (link is external)
Social Media Accessibility (link is external)
Videos (link is external)
Below are PowerPoint templates for presentation slides and marketing flyers.
Organization Charts
ALVSCE Division (PDF)
Northwest Region(PDF)
Coconino County (PDF)
Mohave County (PDF)
Yavapai County (PDF)
UArizona Purchasing Card Policies Manual (link is external)
Northwest Region PCard Holder Procedures (PDF)
Business Purpose Guide and Discussion (YouTube)
To report loss, theft, or fraud on a PCard, immediately contact the PCard office at 1-520-626-9091 and email
If you are unable to reach the PCard office or need to contact them after hours or on weekends, contact JPMorgan Chase Customer Service at 1-800-270-7760. In addition, contact the PCard office and leave a detailed message and email
Fraudulent Charge(s) Procedure
Missing PCard Receipt
If you are missing a PCard receipt and cannot obtain a duplicate from the merchant, complete a PCard form and the missing receipt form. Submit both documents to your admin team and CC
Missing Receipt Form (PDF)
PCard Violation Charge
If you mistakenly used your PCard for a personal purchase, complete the form as best as you can with a signature. Submit the form and reimbursement amount to your admin team and CC
Self-Reporting Violation Instructions & Form (fillable PDF)
Submit a Pcard- HERE via Smartsheet
Phishing Scams
To report phishing scams: (link is external) - follow the directions.
To view reported phishing alerts : (link is external)
Photos (Creative Commons)
CreativeCommonsSources.docx Listing of websites with free photos/images, i.e. not copyrighted.
QR Code Generator
The UA membership just changed so Adobe Express is free to everyone with a UA NetID and has a free QR code generator.
Records Retention
UArizona Records Retention Schedule Policy (link is external)
Arizona State Retention Schedules (link is external) Due to the extensive amount of retention items on the AZ State website, a supplemental list (PDF) has been created to limit items that apply to Extension.
Records Destruction Policy (link is external) and NW Region Procedures (PDF)
Timesheets, Leave Requests, & Compensatory Time
Questions? Contact Karen Pizzuto at 928-445-6590 x223 or
Timesheets must be completed by 12:00pm Thursday of a non-pay week. If any changes are made to your timesheet after it has been approved, email immediately.
Fair Labor Standards Act and Overtime Policy (link is external)
Special Circumstance Paid Absence Policy (PDF) Mohave & Yavapai Only
All leave requests must be sent to your supervisor(s) and
Leave Request Form (fillable PDF)
Leave Request Policy (PDF)
Sick, Vacation, and Comp Time
Sick Time University Policy (link is external)
Vacation Time University Policy (link is external)
2022-2026 Schedule (PDF)
University Holiday Policy (link is external)
University Closure Compensation Policy (link is external)
Compensable Time: Work Related Travel Table
As a passenger or driver | During regular hours – any day | Yes |
As a passenger | Outside of working hours - any day | If working while traveling |
As a driver | Outside of working hours – on work days | Yes |
As a driver | Outside of working hours – on non-work days | If in excess of regular commute time |
| Travel time to workplace while on work trip (e.g. hotel to job site) or to the airport | If in excess of regular commute time |
| Regular commute and meal periods during travel time | No |
Procedure - Post Travel-Traveler's Responsibility (PDF)
Travel Authorization Form (FSO fillable PDF)
Travel Expense Report (FSO fillable PDF)
Travel Worksheet (fillable PDF)
Traveler's Checklist (PDF)
State of AZ Travel Reimbursement Rates (link is external) - Click on the "Current State of Arizona..." link to open a PDF document.
Instructions on how to set up a vendor in the UA system
Procedure - Voyager Cardholder (PDF)
Locations that accept Voyager cards (link is external)
Submit a Voyager Receipt- HERE via Smartsheet