Public Records Request

Public Records Request

At times, you may receive requests from the general public, or anyone else, for University, CALS, Extension, or specific County data.  Because we are a public university, we do fall under the rules of public-record requests and the Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA).

This template for a written response to such a request contains the information you will need to respond to these inquiries via e-mail or phone, or in-person:

Subject: Request for Publicly-held Records
Dear XXX,
Thank you for contacting us regarding your request for the release of publicly-held records. The University of Arizona takes seriously our responsibility for the security, retention and release of institutionally-held documents and information. As such, there is a formal process for a request of public records through our public records compliance program. It is our intention to respond in a timely manner to all legally permitted requests for information.
Please complete the attached request form. Once completed please send the form to terim@email.arizona.edu, or fax to (520) 621 -9001. You may also mail your form to P.O. Box 210066, Tucson, AZ 85721-0066.
Further inquiries regarding your request for public records can be made directly to:
Coordinator for Public Records
Phone: (520) 621-1986
Fax: (520) 621-9001
Mail: P.O. Box 210066, Tucson, AZ 85721-0066
Email: terim@email.arizona.edu
