Business & Finance




Purchasing Policy

Please contact your local business manager for purchasing procedures in your county or office.


 Finance, Accounts, and Available Funds

ALVSCE Division finance and accounting request forms and tools.

Additional resources



Get reimbursed for business related expenses such as travel, or purchased items out of pocket.

 Travel Authorizations

If you need to travel, you must get a travel authorization approved.

Additional resources

 Travel Policy

Includes information about Travel Authorization, Travel Funding, Accountable Plan, Meal Reimbursement, Lodging, Transportation
Preparing a Travel Expense Report, Travel Changes and Cancellations, Meals/Lodging Cost Index and Out-of-State Sales Tax Exemptions



Cooperative Extension Business Office

Please visit the ALVSCE Business Services page here:

Yes! Reach out to the ALVSCE Business Services unit to find out more: