County Unit - Director Guidance

County Unit - Director Guidance

So, you are a new Cooperative Extension Director (CED) and you really want to avoid giant pitfalls and surprises as you take over the direction of your county unit. Well, we may not be able to help with the surprises part, but this document can help you get a handle on the scope of your job and the possibilities it entails. The CEDs for County Extension Units, hold crucial leadership positions within the University of Arizona Cooperative Extension (UACE) System. They serve as the liaison to statewide leadership and oversee many day-to-day aspects of their unit including operations, financial, and faculty and staff development. Many CEDs also have programmatic responsibilities, but this guideline focuses on administrative duties as well as tools that CEDs can use to help their unit grow and thrive. To help you navigate the system, tools and webpages are provided throughout the document and in the Quick Guide at the end. We also highly recommend developing a peer-to-peer mentorship relationship with an experienced CED.

You can access the document here.


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