Educational Materials
Educational material pages can only be created and edited by website administrators. Need a page created or edited? Submit work requests through Support Tracker, selecting ‘Publications’ under ‘Request Type’.
Read Cooperative Extension’s Publication Procedure for information on submitting peer-reviewed work. The Extension website does not host drafts or preprints of peer-reviewed work.
Authors can publish fact sheets, at a glance articles, short guides, etc. that summarize existing research and provide geographic (state, region, county) context useful to the public. We suggest that content is written for a 5th-8th-grade reading level. This type of content does not require peer review before being published as an educational materials on the Extension website.
Authors are responsible for the factual accuracy of all information presented in the work.
Authors are responsible for securing appropriate usage permissions for all photos and graphics presented in the work.
Website administrators edit content t for flow and adherence to the University of Arizona’s Written Style Guide.
Authors should submit a Word document of finalized text and high-resolution image/graphic files using Support Tracker, selecting ‘Publications’ under ‘Request Type’.