Social Media

Statewide social channels

Submitting content

The goal of state channels is to highlight the geographic and programmatic diversity within Extension and linking directly to resources, programs and events on our website. To understand what's happening across the state, the marketing team:

  • Follows other Extension social channels.
  • Monitors the hashtags #UArizonaCooperativeExtension and #ArizonaCooperativeExtension.
  • Subscribes to Extension newsletters.
  • Monitors questions submitted by the public.

You can submit content using this support form and learn more about the content we prioritize.

  • We prioritize content that directs people to specific places on the Cooperative Extension, like a program page, publication or event. A big goal of our social channels is to showcase Extension's expertise and get people into the habit of visiting our website for information.
  • Look below to see what content state channels feature and if your submission fits within those priorities.
  • Having an engaging image or graphic increases the chances your content will be featured.
  • Submitting content doesn't guarantee that it will e posted. The marketing team will reach out to you after you submit to give feedback and ask additional questions.

Content that state channels feature

Facebook Priorities

Playful, time-relevant posts tied to seasons, events, holidays, or news that have engaging photos or graphics. Posts should always link back to a specific area on the Cooperative Extension website and have a clear call to action.

  • Extension Explains: Expert responses to questions asked by our community or are responding to timely news and conversations. Goal is to direct people to relevant content on website.
  • Extension at Work: Highlighting the people behind our programs, the work they do and the impact they have in communities throughout Arizona. Goal is to direct people to program page so people can take action or participate in the program.
  • About Extension: Show who we are, our areas of expertise, office locations, how to connect with specialists and more. Goal is to build awareness of Extension and that we are here to serve communities.
  • Events: People statewide must be able to participate (prioritize virtual) and have an expected attendance of at least 50 people (not a hard number). Goal is to link the event to larger conversations and direct people to resources on the website.

Instagram Priorities

Magazine-style short pieces that have an engaging photo that tells the entire story. Posts are not time-specific and linking externally is difficult so prioritize provide all the information in the post

  • Extension Explains: Expert responses to questions asked by our community or are responding to timely news and conversations. Goal is to direct people to relevant content on website.
  • Extension at Work: Highlighting the people behind our programs, the work they do and the impact they have in communities throughout Arizona. Goal is to direct people to program page so people can take action or participate in the program.
  • Our Roots Run Deep: Making connections between our past, present and future to give context for why we do what we do.

Twitter (X) Priorities

Focus on linking to news stories featured on the Cooperative Extension News page, produced by other outlets that feature Extension personnel or relevant updates/alerts that are applicable to a statewide audience. Goal is demonstrate our expertise and community impact.

Extension Explains

Extension at Work

Our Roots Run Deep