

Website administrators and local office superusers can create and edit events. Others can submit events by using Support Tracker, and selecting ‘Website Support’ under ‘Request Type’.

Events are visible for one year and then unpublished. Request an exemption or access an unpublished event by using Support Tracker, and selecting ‘Website Support’ under ‘Request Type’.

What to include

Use conversational language, be concise, have a clear call to action and make it easy for people to scan for important information with headers and bulleted lists. Tell people:

  • Who the event is for

  • What participants will do or learn

  • When and where it happens

  • How to register

  • Who to contact for more information

Adding and editing events

Review the Quickstart Best Practices Guide (page 3) and Quickstart Adding Events for the basics of creating an event. Extension’s event style guidelines are below.

  • Title - Be descriptive and add additional text if needed. For example, “Lunch-N-Learn” could become “Personal Finance Lunch-N-Learn” or “Lunch-N-Learn | Personal Finance Basics”.

  • Subtitle - (word count is 47) - Provide a call to action or summary of what participants will learn. For example, “Learn to create a budget you’ll actually stick to” or “Join the Cochise County Master Gardeners for a hands-on tutorial on growing better tasting tomatoes.”

  • Featured Images - Images are optional. They should be high resolution (1920px width) and feature real people taking part in event activities. Each image must include descriptive alt text for accessibility. Do not use event fliers and avoid stock images.

  • Summary Fields (right navigation)

    • Link to external event - Use this field to add the web address for Trellis Events, Eventbrite, or another external event page. When linking to an external event, only the Title, Subtitle, Date, Summary, and tags for Location, Programs, Topic, and Subtopic are required on the new event page.

    • Summary - Displays key details, including location and learning outcome, in condensed calendar views and for events imported to other websites and newsletters. Limit to 160 characters.

    • Calendar summary example.png
  • Event Description - View the What to include section above and example event entries.

  • Where

    • URL – For in-person events, include a link to the Google Maps location. For virtual events, provide a registration link or direct webinar URL.

    • Link Text – For in-person events, use the specific place name and address (Pima Extension Office at 4210 N Campbell Ave, Tucson, AZ). For virtual events, use text like “Join us on Zoom” or “Register for the online event.”

  • Contacts - Every event entry must include at least an email address or phone number so attendees can ask questions and get support.

  • Event Tagging – Adding Location, Program, Topic and Subtopic fields ensures events appear on filtered calendars throughout the site. View the full list of tags (updated 3/5/2025).

    • Location – Enter the county or tribal offices (no limit to number selected) that are hosting or actively promoting the event.

    • Programs -

    • Topics -

    • Subtopics -

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