Computer Downloads & Troubleshooting
Computer Downloads & Troubleshooting
University of Arizona 24/7 IT Support (520) 626-8324 or https://it.arizona.edu/
University of Arizona Extension Support Tracker (link is external)
Acceptable Use of Computers and Networks Policy (link is external)
University Email Use Policy (link is external)
RICOH Machine Printer/Scan Drivers - Admin Only
Application/Program Downloads for new employees or computers
If you experience issues downloading or installing any of these programs to your computer, submit a ticket through the Extension Support Tracker link above.
- Box@UA - https://it.arizona.edu/service/boxua
- Zoom Meetings - https://arizona.zoom.us/
- Virtual Private Network (VPN), Microsoft Office 365, and Adobe Acrobat must be downloaded by the employee because they require NetID and password.
- VPN download and troubleshooting webpage: https://it.arizona.edu/service/ua-virtual-private-network-vpn
- Microsoft Office 365 can be installed to support offline editing by logging in with your UA email address https://login.microsoftonline.com
- Adobe Acrobat Pro DC can be installed by logging in with your UA email address (if requested, choose Enterprise ID then proceed to log in with NetID) https://www.adobe.com/
- If an employee wants to use Microsoft Office Visio, they can contact 24/7 IT support and request a product key to be added to their Office 365 account. https://softwarelicense.arizona.edu/ms-project-professional-and-ms-visio
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