External Resources

External Resources


In addition to UArizona's HPC resources, researchers may benefit from leveraging other systems/offerings. We have included a non-exhaustive list of national resources to help you get started.


Open Science Framework (OSF)

The OSF is a free, open source service maintained by the Center for Open Science. Here are a few things you can do with the OSF:

  • Store your files
    Archive your materials, data, manuscripts, or anything else associated with your research during the research process or after it is complete.
  • Affiliate your projects with your institution
    Associate your projects with the University of Arizona which is a member. They will be added to UA's central commons, improving discoverability of your work and fostering collaboration.
  • Share your work
    Keep your research materials and data private, make it accessible to specific others with view-only links, or make it publicly accessible. You have full control of what parts of your research are public and what remains private.
  • Register your research
    Create a permanent, time-stamped version of your projects and files. Do this to preregister your design and analysis plan to conduct a confirmatory study, or archive your materials, data, and analysis scripts when publishing a report.
  • Make your work citable
    Every project and file on the OSF has a permanent unique identifier, and every registration can be assigned a DOI. Citations for public projects are generated automatically so that visitors can give you credit for your research.
  • Measure your impact
    You can monitor traffic to your public projects and downloads of your public files.
  • Connect services that you use
    GitHub, Dropbox, Google Drive, Box, Dataverse, figshare, Amazon S3, ownCloud, Bitbucket, GitLab, OneDrive, Mendeley, Zotero. Do you use any of these? Link the services that you use to your OSF projects so that all parts of your project are in one place.
  • Collaborate
    Add your collaborators to have a shared environment for maintaining your research materials and data and never lose files again.

Learn more about the OSF at our Guides page, or email contact@osf.io with questions for support.

ACCESS (formerly XSEDE)

XSEDE supports 13 supercomputers and high-end visualization and data analysis resources across the country.  These are made available for use by researchers including at the University of Arizona. This program ends at the end of August 2022 to be replaced with a new program called ACCESS. This is also funded by the National Science Foundation.

The new program is going through many changes so we will just include their website while has the most current information.

Researchers who have current project allocations that were awarded via XSEDE –including projects awarded at the August 22 XRAC meeting – should notice no changes to their resource access after August 31. For projects that expire on December 31, the ACCESS team recommends planning to submit a proposal during the usual September 15 to October 15 submission window under the existing XRAC guidelines.

Researchers whose needs are at the smaller end of the scale should review the new ACCESS Allocations Marketplace information that is previewed on the XSEDE site pending the launch of the ACCESS site.


CyVerse provides life scientists with powerful computational infrastructure to handle huge datasets and complex analyses, thus enabling data-driven discovery. Our extensible platforms provide data storage, bioinformatics tools, image analyses, cloud services, APIs, and more.


CyVerse is funded by the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Biological Sciences. We are a dynamic virtual organization led by the University of Arizona to fulfill a broad mission that spans our partner institutions: Texas Advanced Computing Center, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.

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