Grant Resources

Grant Resources


University of Arizona (UArizona) researchers have access to a variety of high performance computing and storage resources through both UArizona HPC and the NSF-funded CyVerse project (http://cyverse.org)A moderate amount of compute time and storage is free to any research faculty, also known as principal investigators (PIs).

You might consider these scenarios:

  • Run proof-of-concept on the HPC clusters
    Compute time and storage are free on a moderate scale so no funding is needed to test and develop code, workflows, and methodologies for grants.
  • Run the funded compute on the HPC clusters
    Using our buy-in model, the compute part of the funding can complement the existing compute resources and reduce personnel costs.
  • Co-locate your cluster in the Computer Center.
    Take advantage of the enterprise class facilities and support to save space and reduce administration and setup costs. More information here.
  • CyVerse data centers.
    These reside at UArizona, are funded by the National Science Foundation’s Directorate for Biological Sciences, and provide life scientists with powerful computational infrastructure.
  • ACCESS (formerly XSEDE) national cyberinfrastructure HPC and Cloud providers.
    Available for free to any US-based researcher. Get started here. UArizona researchers can request startup allocations to test out their system(s) of choice. After the startup allocation, full allocations can be requested for millions of CPU-hours.

The University of Arizona Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure Plan 2022

The UArizona research computing and data science community has put together a report of all services, trainings, and support provided to researchers at the University of Arizona. This is meant to be an exhaustive guide of services available to researchers. Each section has a point of contact to find out more about the services mentioned in the section.

Data Management Plans

A data management plan documents the lifecycle of your data.  The plan provides details on data collection for storage, access, sharing, and reproducibility of your results.  A good data management plan will ensure the availability and accessibility of your research results after your project is complete and you have published the results, increasing the value of your research and possible reuse by other researchers. 

The UArizona Libraries host automated tools to design and execute data management plans for grants. More information here: https://data.library.arizona.edu/

Funding Agency Requirements

In 1999, the U.S. Office of Management and Budget amended OMB Circular A-110 to require research data produced with funding from Federal agencies be made publicly available through procedures established through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Federally funded research - access to publications and data

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) released a policy memorandum, “Increasing Access to the Results of Federally Funded Scientific Research,” on February 22, 2013. See the Federal Agency Policies for Public Access website for brief descriptions of the policies for top UA federal funding agencies and where to get further help.

The Library has created a summary table of public access plans for all of the 19 federal funding agencies that fall under the OSTP memo.

The University offers other resources for grant applications here: https://rgw.arizona.edu/development/proposal-development/external-grant-writing-resources

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