Specific Errors
Zwickl, Derrick J - (zwickl)
This is most commonly seen with users who have Anaconda or Miniconda initialized in their accounts. For a permanent solution, you can run the following command from an interactive terminal session:
conda config --set auto_activate_base false
This will prevent conda from auto-activating when you first log in and allow you to have more control over your environment. When you'd like to activate anaconda, run conda activate
. See this example for information running anaconda workflows in batch with auto-activation disabled.
Scripts created in a Windows environment and transferred to HPC retain hidden carriage returns (^M). You can convert your Windows file to Unix format with:
$ dos2unix <filename>
This happens most frequently for new users. It takes a while to propagate new accounts to all the right places. Come back after a coffee break. However, this can occur in other circumstances. Open a support ticket with hpc-consult.
Add this variable definition before executing the application: