Program Pages

Program Pages

Pogram pages should have a clear call to action, showcase impacts and connect participatns to resources.

Program pages can only be created by website administrators. Page updates can only be completed by website administrators or local office superusers. All others must submit work requests through Support Tracker, selecting ‘Website Support’ under ‘Request Type’.

Creating a new page

Submit a request for a new program page using Support Tracker and select “Website Support” under Request Type. Someone from the website team will schedule a meeting with you. Typically, we ask the following questions to create a program page:

  • What is the official name of your program?

  • Who is leading the program and is anyone else from Extension is involved?

  • Who is funding your program and what is the time frame (start/end date of program or funding)?

  • Who is the target audience for your program?

  • What are the goals of your program?

  • Why would someone want to participate in your program? How will they benefit from your work?

  • Are any impact numbers, data or results do you have about the program? For upstart programs, outlining what will be tracked/measured to determine program success is helpful.

  • What fliers, handouts, etc. are available? These speed up creating text for the page.

  • What information on the Cooperative Extension website is relevant to your audience?

  • What information on University of Arizona pages are relevant to your audience?

Editing an existing page

Submit a request for a page update using Support Tracker, selecting “Website Support” under Request Type. For those needing to make frequent updates, ask about becoming a local office superuser.

Those with editing privileges should follow existing guidance and resource documents.

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