



These policies govern access, use, and resources on all HPC systems managed by the UArizona's University Information Technology Services (UITS). UArizona HPC systems are funded through UArizona Office of Research, Innovation, and Impact (RII) and CIO/UITS (Chief Information Officer, and University Information Technology Services).  All UArizona HPC systems are available to all UArizona researchers (Faculty, staff, undergrad and grad students, postdocs and DCC's) at no cost.  Presently each group is provided with a free monthly allocation on all HPC clusters.

Intended Audience

The intended audience for these policy statements are current and prospective HPC users who need an understanding of the accounts and allocation of HPC/HTC resources. This information is provided both as a statement of policy and for educating the user about the use of these systems. 

University Privacy Statement

The University of Arizona (“UArizona”) provides information and services to students, employees, and the public through its information technologies to supplement services provided on campus.

See: University Privacy Statement.


Acceptable Use

The allocation of High Performance Computing (HPC) resources requires close supervision by those charged with management of these resources.  This section details acceptable use and regulations regarding UArizona's HPC systems.


Information on acknowledging UArizona HPC resources and staff member support in a paper, poster, or presentation.


Researchers who need compute resource beyond the free standard allocation may purchase additional compute nodes. Detailed information on how and why to do so can be found here.


The Research Computing Guidance Committee (RCGC) is a cross-departmental group of researchers and IT professionals at the University of Arizona with oversight of central research computing resources. Additional information can be found in this section.


Information on scheduled and unscheduled (emergency) maintenance periods.

Software Policies

Policies on providing academic/free and commercial/fee-based software to the user community. Additional information on federal regulations governing software policies.

Special Projects

The RCGC (Research Computing Governance Committee) has approved support for "Special Projects" that use more than the standard allocation of hours. When a special project request is granted, an additional allocation of standard hours is provided for a limited period of time. Information on requesting a special project can be found here.


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