UA Vitae Resources

UA Vitae Resources

 How can I get a printout/report of my AAP-5 data for the year?

While there isn't a specific report within UA Vitae to generate AAP-5 data yet, you can still get that information for any year or timeframe by submitting a ticket in the Support Tracker.  Under Request Type, be sure to select the option of UA Vitae and your request details.  The ticket will be routed to the appropriate team member for processing and will be sent to you in an Excel Spreadsheet.

NOTE: it will be raw data and "un-tabulated."  However, if you need assistance with that step, include that in the request ticket.

 How do I get support access to UA Vitae?

For those who are not faculty, but enter data for faculty members, you can obtain a "support account" in UA Vitae.  Your access will be limited to the sections the faculty member wants you to have access to and for a specific time period.  Follow the instructions below to get access:

  1.  Access the following link:  https://uavitae.arizona.edu/content/request-ua-vitae-access
  2.  Fill out all the fields and Submit
    1. If provided access, you should receive a confirmation e-mail with instruction on how to access your account
  3.  For any support on how to enter AAP-5 information, please e-mail drodriguez1@email.arizona.edu 
    1. You can also submit a ticket through Extension's Support Tracker for help.
 I used to have access to a faculty's Vitae account, but now I don't?

When a Faculty member grants access to someone to Emulate their account in UA Vitae, the system requires an Expiration date.  The likely reason you are no longer able to access their account is because access to those particular faculty members has expired.

To regain the access, ask the faculty member to grant you access again. There are instructions on the UA Vitae Web Site under the Faculty FAQ topic of "How do I allow an assistant to enter activity information for me?"

Here is the link to the FAQ page. https://uavitae.arizona.edu/content/faculty-faqs

This also ensures the faculty is aware access is being granted to someone else since they are granting the access.

 My entries in the UA Vitae system are not appearing on my Vitae?

When this occurs, the typical cause is the setting of incorrect date parameters within the UA Vitae platform.  Keep in mind that UA Vitae uses the same dates as most academic departments use (semester terms) - which is a little different than Extension.  For example:

  • January - May = Spring 
  • June - August = Summer
  • September - December = Fall
  • Mid-December = Winter

When you submit your entries into UA Vitae, be sure that your entries coincide with the correct time frames listed above.  This will help when pulling vitaes to review for the specific calendar year in question.

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