2021-2022 Agent Peer Review Process and Key Dates
This year's 2021-2022 Agent Peer Review (APR) process will follow the below schedule and process. Please watch for more information and tips for completing your Vitae as well as evaluation best practices.
- Monday, January 31st, 2022 - All UA Vitae entries are due for the 2021 review cycle. Access to the UA Vitae system is open year-round.
- Because UA Vitae is a University-wide system, many departments will have similar dates. Waiting until the final deadline can result in system overloads and crashing - preventing you from entering all your content and having it evaluated.
- Here's a nice APR checklist to help in populating your Vitae: APR Checklist
- EXTENSION SPECIALISTS: While your department may have a different deadline, any Extension work entered AFTER the January 31st deadline will likely not be included in any reviews.
- Wednesday, February 2nd - Wednesday, February 23rd - Agents review their assigned peers' Vitae entries and provide evaluations within the UA Vitae system.
- Since moving to an alternate scoring format two years ago, the number of peer reviews assigned has gone from ~8 down to 3.
- You can view the criteria of what will be used to evaluate your peers' Vitaes at this link. County Extension Agents APR Criteria effective 2018
- This is the same information that will be in the UA Vitae evaluation form.
- Thursday, February 24th - Monday, February 28th - APR Committee Members scan reviews prior to sending to CEDs.
- This is a process where the committee members scan submitted evaluations to verify
- Completeness
- Constructive and/or actionable feedback
- Collegiality
- This is a process where the committee members scan submitted evaluations to verify
- Tuesday, March 1st, 2022 - Scanned APRs are sent to CEDs to use in their Annual Review discussions with Agents.
- CEDs begin to receive Agent Peer Reviews that they can use to have performance conversations with their county faculty.
- Monday, March 1st, 2022 - Sunday, May 1st, 2022 - CEDs should begin to schedule and hold Annual Performance Reviews with their county faculty members.
- There continues to be confusion on forms to complete for reviews. EAT is aware and will create a statewide mechanism for CEDs to use to deliver performance reviews that is consistent.