How to Enroll a MG in UAccess

How to Enroll a MG in UAccess

Master Gardeners have two options to be entered in Uaccess, with and without a Net-ID.

Enrolling MGs - with NetID



Enrolling MGs - no NetID

Contact HR Workforce Systems with questions.

  1. Prospective Volunteer fills out form “DCC_Worksheet” in paper form (found below), then gives it back to program staff completed.

  2. County program staff will scan the document to PDF form.

  3. Before entering volunteers into UAccess, inform HR to give them a heads up.

  4. The program staff will then enter the volunteer information in UAccess, just as they would in a normal transaction (name, DOB, personal email). The difference being, the staff person inputting the information in Uaccess would then also attach the Person Information Form (attached) to the transaction, then submit. 

  5. The transaction will then go to the State Office then HR for approvals, as usual.  HR will then manually enter the volunteer information based off the form, then the volunteer will get an email with their EmplID for their records.

If a volunteer wishes to obtain a NetID at a later date, we can arrange that as well. We are currently aiming to minimize as many NetID accounts as possible though, not only for ease on the volunteers, but also for cost savings.


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