Matlab Workshops

Matlab Workshops

We held two Matlab workshops in February on Matlab Deep Learning and Matlab Parallel Toolbox. See the flyers below for more information.
These two workshops were taught in person. There is another Parallel Computing presentation online. 

Matlab Workshop 
Wednesday April 24, 2024
Time 10am to 1pm local time

Registration link:  https://www.mathworks.com/company/events/seminars/parallel-computing-with-matlab-hands-on-workshop-4363824.html


Parallel Computing with MATLAB:  Hands on workshop

During this hands-on workshop, we will introduce parallel and distributed computing in MATLAB with a focus on speeding up application codes and offloading compute. By working through common scenarios and workflows using hands-on demos, you will gain a detailed understanding of the parallel constructs in MATLAB, their capabilities, and some of the common hurdles that you'll encounter when using them.


  • Multithreading vs multiprocessing
  • When to use parfor vs parfeval constructs
  • Creating data queues for data transfer
  • Leveraging NVIDIA GPUs
  • Parallelizing Simulink models
  • Working with large data

February Matlab Workshops

The first workshop is MATLAB: Parallel Computing

The second workshop is MATLAB: Deep Learning