How do I access a previous-year's vitae?

Many times, faculty will reference previous-year's content to help in formulating data and content for current-year's reporting.  It's helpful to be able to access previous information and below are the steps to do so within UAVitae:

  1. Log in to UAVitae
  2. Select Vitas & Biosketches in the left-hand navigation menu
  3. Select the View icon (eyeball) for CALS Annual Review Summary
  4. In the first drop down option, ensure CALS Annual Review Summary (College of Agric and Life Sci) is selected
  5. Set the date range you wish to see data for
    1. UAVitae recognizes Academic years, (e.g. January = Spring, December = Winter)
  6. Click Refresh Vita so the report contains only data within the date range specified
  7. At this point, you have the following options to view the content:
    1. Print – this will provide a web-based version of what’s on the screen and can be printed.
    2. Export Web Link – this will provide a link which can be accessed from anywhere.  For example, you send this link to someone, that person would not have to log in to UAVitae to access.  This option is beneficial if you'd like to send the link to yourself to access at another location, or if you're collaborating on programming and want to share the content with other team members - instead of printing out your Vitae and handing to them, they can access and print or simply view online.
    3. Export to PDF – this is still the most popular as it provides the “cleanest” layout of the content within UAVitae.  It’s also very similar to the first two options above (Print, Export Web Link).  All three can be printed out and have the same uniform look.
    4. Export to Word – unfortunately, we do not recommend this method as the migration from UAVitae to Word still has issues in converting tabular information within Word’s table structure.  Some content comes out clean, but not all, which will cause confusion and frustration.

NOTE:  UAVitae is open and accessible year-round (with the exception of small windows of normal maintenance to the system/platform).  You can begin entering content for the current year at any time.

If you have any issues with the above instructions or have general UAVitae inquiries, please submit a Support Ticket.