COVID-19: Employee Resources

The COVID-19 situation has definitely altered how we conduct Extension business and operations.  Although our offices were mostly equipped to handle the change, it's still impacting us.  The following information has been created to be a source of information and collaboration as we all deal with transitioning from our offices to a remote-work model.  

You can also find several additional resources on our main site at

***UACE has developed an Operational Transition Plan which lays out how we will re-incorporate in-person programming in a Phased approach.  You can see the plan by downloading it below.  Actual web pages will be created based on the presented plan.  NOTE: This plan has been vetted and approved by the University of Arizona's Incident Command Team.***


Latest Updates:

UArizona President Robbins Updates - Campus Reentry Plan

COVID-19 Workplace Positive Case Notification Protocol and Related Personnel Actions

Please follow this link to the process you must follow as a supervisor when a university employee or regular building occupant reports that they: (a) have tested positive for COVID-19, (b) are experiencing symptoms consistent with COVID-19, and/or (c) have had close contact with someone that has tested positive.

Statement from Barry Brummond, chief information officer, on protecting Zoom calls and other security measures.


All Extension in-person programming is canceled until further notice.  If there is anything going on around the state that requires people grouping together, in any number, it's not sanctioned and should be reported immediately to your CED or academic unit head.


FBI: Watch Out for 'Zoom-Bombings' on Online Video Meeting Apps:  The FBI is warning the public to watch out for hijackers trying to infiltrate their Zoom video sessions.  But it's not just subjected to Zoom, this can happen in any video conferencing tool.  Click to read the full article.

Statement from Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs surrounding COVID-19 and Promotion Clock Delay (pdf)

Statement from Senior Vice President for Research & Innovation surrounding Guidance on Defining Essential Research and Shutdown Procedures (pdf)

Tools, Resources and Support: 

We will make every effort to include as many resources as possible below for Extension personnel.  There may be more we haven't uploaded yet.  If you know of some, please add them in the Parking Lot section below so we can address them.

Employee Resources and Help

This page houses information for employees who may need assistance in areas related to the current situation. 

Video Tools and Support

This page houses information that has a video component.  Links to different video methods, video best practices, and information on video-editing services. 

Distance Learning Tools and Support

This page houses information with a distance learning component - links to different tools available to Extension personnel and other departments on campus who support those tools.

Work From Home Tools and Support

This page houses some top tips and techniques with adjusting to a remote model. 

Masks Work

When UArizona Cooperative Extension personnel return to work, current University policy dictates social distancing, and that masks will be required in respective offices.

In a live webinar, Dr. Jeffrey Silvertooth talked about the COVID-19 virus, and the science behind how the virus is transferred.  He explained the mechanism behind the way masks work.

See his presentation, below:

Payroll and Business Office Tools and Support:

This page houses resources for anything related to HR, Payroll, and other General Business Operations.

  • Page Link


We will be populating this section with answers to frequently asked questions, generated from the "Parking Lot" below this section.  We are also adding questions submitted from Extension personnel to Dr. Silvertooth, as part of his live Q&A Webinar sessions.

 CES employees are working in the communities and still going above and beyond throughout the state to be of service and keeping our programs moving while still following all guidelines. Will there be an opportunity for University of Arizona Employees that are NOT Pima County residents to get tested in the near future? I think this has been established in remarkable timing and the ability of testing is changing constantly. I understand if there isn’t a clear answer, I would just like to know if this is goal of the UArizona ultimately to be able to test all employees throughout the state?

From Dr. Silvertooth:

"In direct answer to your question, yes. We will be working with the UA administration to help facilitate access for all UArizona personnel, including Extension and Experiment Station personnel working across the state.

Realistically, I know the first line of focus for the UA will be on campus to provide a safe environment for returning students, faculty, and staff. Included with that will be the UA personnel working in our statewide offices as well. 

As this testing program develops with the university, the Extension administration will make every effort to provide access to everyone working out in the state."

 I've seen the word 'furlough' mentioned a couple of times. Can you tell me what that means for Extension?

President Robbins released the University's furlough program to help mitigate the financial implications of the COVID-19 situation.  You can find all the information at the Employee Furlough Program page from Human Resources.  

Furlough and Pay Reduction Programs FAQs

Also, check out our own Financial Mitigation Plan page for more specific information and FAQs.

 What are some resources to help us with virtually connecting and engaging with our stakeholders during this time?

As University of Arizona employees, there are several tools that are designed for distant- or remote-learning activities.  The first resource to direct you to is the Office of Instruction & Assessment.  This is a great resource to find tools to help in delivering programs or other offerings virtually.  They have a few events that are coming up quickly, so please check out their Webinars page for those events.

They also have lots of guidance on various tools which can be used.  D2L, Qualtrics, Zoom, and Panopto are just some of the tools that are at your disposal.  TurningPoint will allow you to poll your attendees in real time.  They even have a picture roster tool to help you learn your participant’s names and develop quicker relationships.

Finally, there are several organizations which specialize in remote program delivery.  Companies like TechImpact are offering several free sessions on the topic and Extension is even planning some of our own soon.  And speaking of free, here are some ways to punch up your curriculum or class preparations.  Arizona’s Office of Digital Learning offers some “fantastic freebies” which are some great things to consider to in designing your workshops and courses.  Check out all they have to offer.

 It was mentioned that Annual Conference is canceled. Will there be other ways to connect virtually?

Absolutely. Prior to the COVID-19 issue, we had already been in works to deliver our Extension Conference in an alternate format. Although planning has not fully commenced – and will be impacted by the current situation – we’re still looking to deliver our annual conference virtually. More to come on this.

 How do we report time for Hourly and PAW workers?

Exception employees will still enter their PAW as they normally do, unless they are using sick or vacation time.  Hourly workers should still be paid their agree-upon hours.  If they are working from home, they report regular time, unless they are sick or on vacation.  If an hourly worker is not able to complete their work at home, they still report hours but under the University Release code.  Sick employees must report sick time if they have available time; after their sick time has been exhausted, they will report time under University Release.

For other scenarios, please visit Guidance for employees and supervisors in reporting time on the HR site.

 Can we still post positions in HR's Talent Portal?

Per HR, new postings are on hold until June 30, 2020, but applications will continue to be accepted for existing postings.

 What about hiring or searches in progress?

If you have an open posting that you feel is absolutely critical to the unit, you may fill out a waiver form requesting the posting continue. Please keep in mind that the request must be tied to our ability to generate revenue. The request will be reviewed by the Associate Dean in consultation with Dean Burgess. Send waiver requests to Jennifer Gardner Smith.  

 How do we get our p-card purchases/receipts processed?

Process as you always have through your business office.  You can scan/email receipts and they will be processed.  Please keep all original receipts as they will still need to be turned in when operations return to normal.  Although reconciliation time for PCard has been increased to 28 days, please do not delay sending your e-mail/scans to your business officer.

 What do we do if we have to lay off people?

At this time, all employees should be paid their regular hours.  If a position ends in the normal course of a grant cycle, process as normal.

 What are travel suggestions/restrictions?

The University of Arizona has placed the following travel restrictions due to the current outbreak of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). 

  • Effective immediately, all future international travel for academic and business reasons by University of Arizona faculty, staff, and students shall not be authorized until further notice. 
  • Effective immediately, all non-essential domestic out-of-state academic and business travel for University of Arizona faculty, staff, and students is suspended, and will not be authorized until further notice.  

If travel is deemed as essential, approval will need to be obtained from the appropriate Senior Vice President responsible for your unit.  For Extension personnel, this would be Director Silvertooth's office.

 Are we still ok to conduct field operations?

Fieldwork is fine as long as social distancing is maintained, which is not difficult to do in the field.  However, travel to-and-from the field is the problematic part.  It is not advisable for groups of people to travel together in one vehicle.

 What should we do to ensure legislative support over the year ahead?

From Dr. Silvertooth:

"Fortunately, our line for FY21 is secure in the state budget.  That is the good news.   However, our state funding is up for discussion every year.  Fortunately, we have many friends and supporters of Extension across the state who advocate for us in their local communities.  We need to continue to deliver strong programs and services, but we also must be aware that how we deliver those services needs to be carefully looked at – especially with the current state of the pandemic. 

Every month, I ask CEDs to provide a monthly report of highlights for their respective counties.  In that report, there is a section for “Because of…” statements.  These are what we often use to help promote all the great things happening in your counties and our marketing initiatives will help to put those on the desks of legislators.  I would encourage you to work with your CEDs and academic unit heads to include your own “Because of…” statements every month."

 Will there be an opportunity to share examples of how extension is providing tools and extension remotely? There are sharing of teaching resources but I would love to know how others are doing extension now. (Question from: Karletta Chief)

Absolutely.  We are planning on including a session on this exact thing during our Annual Conference being planned for the week of October 5th, 2020 – all virtual.  So please watch for more communications on that. 

 During the initial discussion regarding the budget there was a mention of permanent cuts. Are these proposed permanent cuts specific to overall budget or the salary reductions (salaries)? Essentially, is there a possibility that we will not recieve our current salaries in the future? (Question from: Ashley Dixon)

Any permanent cuts are applied to the overall Extension budget.  It will be up to each unit to determine where the cuts will be applied.  And a lot still depends on the overall decision of the University’s final furlough plan and our request to the provost.

 I'm being told that my salary savings will not be available for me to use this coming year as they will be "applied" to reducing my furlough. However, being on a grant at 5% (for example) means that I am committing 13 days of my salary to the grant (and thus I would receive almost 13 days worth of salary savings...I know its slightly less than that actually but not by much), but my furlough is only reduced by 1.3 days according to the UA Furlough calculator. Where is the rest of my salary savings going if not to reducing my furlough? (Anonymous submission)

Salary savings dollars will not be applied to your furlough.  Furlough days are calculated by a percentage of salary, not by days allocated to a grant.   Please review with your business officer if you are having issues with your furlough numbers.  The UArizona furlough calculator is just a tool but does not calculate into decimal points.

There has been no final determination about faculty salary savings.  Furlough days are assigned by the amount of salary that is in an eligible account category.  For instance, an employee who makes $10,000, 70% on state funding and 30% on Fed Ag (Smith Lever) funding would have their furlough commitment calculated on $7,000.  If the employee is further paid 5% of their salary on a grant, that percentage would also be excluded, and the furlough requirement would be based on $6,500 for the period the grant is active.  The University Payroll office will be taking snapshots of employee distributions every two weeks (payroll period) and adjusting furlough requirements accordingly. To make a balanced quid pro quo with one day on a grant equaling one less furlough day, an employee would have to have a furlough obligation of 262 days.

 When is Administration anticipating we will be able to offer face-to-face programming with a mask? Especially for those of us with grants and deliverables that require one-on-one contact. (Question from: Ashley Dixon)

From Dr. Silvertooth:

"We do not know.  We are asking the same thing every week of the team leading the efforts at the University level.  Every week, we watch the President’s Town Halls with Dr. Carmona, and it is obvious that Arizona’s COVID-19 numbers indicate we are not getting closer to in-person programming any time soon.  I know this is not the news you wanted to hear, and it’s definitely not the news I want to communicate, but this is my honest assessment at this time."

 I have canceled everything that I had planned for the remainder of the year, even out-of-state events. I would like to hear from Dr. Silvertooth on this question, “In your opinion, is Extension going to survive this? What is your foresight on the outlook when so much of our work involves hands-on, boots on the ground, in-person work.?"(Anonymous submission)

From Dr. Silvertooth:

"My short answer to this is 'yes'.  

But how we survive will depend on how we respond as an organization.  For example, if we posted no opposition to the proposed furlough or budget reductions, and offered no alternative solution, we would be in a much worse position.  But, because of our exemption request, which I’m confident is  a valid request for the University to consider, and because of our ability to continue to deliver for the people of the state in alternative models, I’m convinced Arizona Cooperative Extension will survive.

Our history has been hands-on, in-person, and “boots on the ground.”  But it would be unrealistic to believe it is  all going to stay that way.  If anything, this pandemic has forced us to look at ourselves and find our delivery deficiencies.  Now that many are clear, we can begin to look for ways to address and work with our partners to deliver programs in new, effective, and innovative ways."

 Will Extension offices across the state resume operations at the same time, or will that vary based on COVID-19 activity?(Question from: Cathy Munger)

We remain optimistic, but realistic in the sense that all county offices and programs across the entire state will open at the same time and operate at the same capacity.  However, we know each county is unique, as are the programs offered, the community makeup, and the infestation of the disease varies from county to county.  So, as much as we would like to have everyone open and have things return to “normal,” we know that is probably not going to be the case. 

To set the right expectation, we will await word from the University as to when the task force says it is safe to re-open and then work with each local government to assess their ordinances.  After we have a good sense of all the data, then, in conjunction with CEDs and Experiment Station Directors, we can begin to plan the re-opening of our county offices and in-person programming.  Please keep in mind that there are several programs that quickly shifted to a virtual model and are thriving – so if there is any way to continue virtual programming, please do so.

 So, Smith-Lever funds of our salary are considered grant and sponsored projects-supported, and are therefore exempt from furloughs? (Question from: Ashley Dixon)

Smith-Lever funds are a special category, FED AG, that has been excluded from the furlough obligation.

 Can we not use salary savings to pay staff? That is what I'm currently doing to prevent loss of staff. (Question from: Ashley Dixon)

It is too soon to absolutely say what the case will be for salary savings.  We anticipate that salary savings will be available in some form.

PARKING LOT  Please enter any questions, comments, concerns, or additions you'd like to see on this space in the comments section below!