Yavapai Speakers' Bureau
Speakers' Bureau Training YouTube https://youtu.be/BLOR4GWVEfw?si=0KS5XW-M762a_5C5
Provides an overview of the Speakers' Bureau and tips for delivering effective presentations. This document, along with the following Guidelines are on-line training for Yavapai County Master Gardener speakers. Contact the Speakers Bureau Chair if you have questions or need additional information.
Guidelines for Speakers
Includes points to cover about your role and Extension, how to brand materials, handout template, reporting statistics after your presentation, etc.
Sample Handout
Donation Form
Can be given to potential contributors to Extension programs.
Presentation Sign-in Form
Guidelines for Effective Powerpoint Slides
Available Presentation Supplies
Presentation Pick-up - ppts for Speakers
These pdf files may not be the latest versions. Contact the Speakers' Bureau ycmgspeakersbureau@gmail.com for the Powerpoint version if needed.
Backyard Composting (presentation) Composting (handout)
Backyard Composting and Soil Amendments
Common Insects and Their Management
Cover Crops Cool Season Cover Crop Slides Using Cover Crops and Green Manure
Fall and Winter Gardening (presentation) Fall and Winter Gardening (Handout)
Garden Insects (presentation) Garden Insects (handout)
Garden Watering and Irrigation
Landscape Design with Native Plants
Microgreens (presentation) Microgreens (handout)
Planning Your Vegetable Garden
Soils and Climate of Yavapai County
Spring Vegetable Gardens Spring Vegetable Handout (Prescott)