Event Calendar

Best practices for events and website content

Review the Website Best Practices document before creating a new event. Following this document is critical to maintaining consistency site wide. Also provides information on how to login to Quickstart and how to add content.

What should be included on event page

Should answer the basics of who, what, when, where and why.

  • Who: Clearly if it’s open to the public and who the target audience is (professionals, families with children, teens interested in robots, etc.) Should be at the top of the event.

  • What and Why: Objectives and goals of the event. Can include what people will learn, skills they will develop, activities they will do, or what they need to prepare for at the event. Helpful to follow the problem, solution, transformation framework as the one-liner at the top of an event entry.

  • When and Where: Include date and time event takes place and also date and time registration closes. Provide full address and link to Google Maps location for in-person events. For virtual, include registration link if required or Zoom link if no registration is required.

How to create and edits events

Only local office superusers have the ability to create new events and edit existing events. If you need help creating or editing an event, submit a request using Support Tracker and select “Website Support” under Request Type.

Watch the recorded training on how to add events to the website.